During the temporary closure of Jennings Chimney Sweeping at the end of 2021, lots has changed. Namely, this website you are on right now. We took this time to evaluate which projects to tackle and saw this as a perfect opportunity to evolve our website.
One of the cornerstones on which Jennings Chimney Sweeping was built on was transparency. We have had a detailed price list on our website since our launch however, due to the irregularities in chimneys, not all of our prices were able to be listed as a flat rate. We are proud to have now created two new Price estimators, one for the sweeping of open fires and the other for débistrage. Although these calculators can only give an estimation of the quote price, it is a great opportunity to show to our customers just how we calculate our fees to allow them to make more informed decisions
In today’s world of short, bite-sized entertainment, we are aware that the majority of people would rather watch a video rather than read a whole page of text. Therefore we have made an effort to create a video summery of the content found on the page wherever appropriate.
One of the issues we were lucky enough to face was that we had too many reviews for our pervious testimonials page. Although the format of each review was repeatable, we found the load time for the page would take an excessively long time. We are committed, as we said before, to transparency and therefore every review we have ever received has been published on the website. We are immensely proud to say we have had 100% positive feedback in over 200 reviews posted to date (Updated 18/04/2023).
To solve this issue we have introduced a widget which gathers our reviews directly from both Facebook and Google which now displays them on our testimonials page.
Book Now
Our final and perhaps most exciting website feature is our new ‘Book now’ contact form. This allows customers to fill in an easy to follow, step by step form supplying us with all the information we need to get customers booked in as fast as possible. It’s super simple, why not check it out?
With 48% of internet users now using mobile phones, it was very important to us to make sure the user experience was an optimised for desktop, tablet and mobile alike. Certain elements respond in different ways depending on the device size used. We have also altered the content to it is easier to digest on mobile.
New Mascot
During our downtime, a local artist has created a brand-new face of the company (See below). This little sweep will be seen more often now and is currently being written into cartoons ready for our new marketing efforts.

New look
The look and feel of any website is imperative to the user experience. We have worked hard to establish continuity with our fonts, sizes, textures and general feel of the website and focused on accessibility and ultimately the website aesthetics. We hope these changes have led to an easy to use, effective and helpful website and that each user will have a pleasant experience whilst using www.jenningschimneysweeping.com
[Updated 18/04/2023]